Analyze, Optimize & Refine

…aka, “Growth Hacking” to coin the latest buzzword

Maximize Your Internet Marketing Potential

The Optimize & Refine Phase of Our Web Marketing Process

The optimization and refinement phase is often the longest aspect of the web marketing process lifecycle.

Measure, Refine, Improve

Now that we're successfully engaging your audience, we'll carefully analyze the use of your web assets by visitors, prospects and customers, and we’ll tweak and fine-tune to improve performance and maximize your return on investment.

To be successful, your website, social media, and web marketing campaigns must be kept up to date and reflect changes within your company, its offerings and the needs of the marketplace.

Epoch Avenue's Subscription Based Web Design plans are designed to allow your online assets to stay up to date.

Maximizing Website Potential
feature revisions and enhancements

Feature Revisions & New Releases

During the planning and strategy phase of this process, we'll have identified features and tactics which were either not within the scope of the current initiative or for which you were not quite ready to move forward on.

During this phase of the process we'll roll out feature revisions and enhancements based on a predetermined schedule as well as the needs of your company and audience.

Proactive, Reactive, Hyperactive Support

As a part of our strategy and subscription support arrangement, we'll meet with you at regular intervals to ensure your web marketing resources are relevant and meeting the established goals and objectives.

This brings us full cycle through Epoch Avenue's Web Marketing Process.


The 4 Pillars of Ongoing Success Your Business Can’t Live Without

While precise approaches and specific tactics vary with each client, four important components go into your foundation for online success.


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